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Re: [] Updating spec pages (was: Fwd: [jakartaee/specifications] Nosql Status update (#333))

> On Apr 9, 2021, at 12:43 PM, Paul Buck <paul.buck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The point you are making regarding patent protection is a red herring. Here's why, the patent protection is only available to compatible implementations of a ratified final specification and those that are compliant with the EF Specification License and TCK License.  An in-progress (or under development) specification offers no such protection to an implementer.

Let me try and back up as far as I can on this subject and do my absolute best to be pragmatic and flexible.  If I say something anyone feels is wrong I ask you in addition to pointing that out to please spell out any parts you think I got right or where you may agree.

My statement: There is something legally positive that happens as the result of Progress Reviews and therefore it is healthy for us as a specification committee encourage them within reason.

If we don't want to require them for all updates, fine, I'm happy to let that go.  It does mean we are then more greatly relying on the judgement of specification projects on when to engage in a Progress Review.  If we're going to do that, it would be in our best interest to provide some guidance on how Progress Reviews are positive and when/why they might want to do one early.  My concern is if we don't, projects will just see them as overhead and always avoid them unless forced.

What would help me know how to proceed at this stage is some confirmation others also think Progress Reviews do provide benefit.  If you have specific thoughts on their benefits, share that too.  I'll do my best to edit all the answers into something we can review.


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