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  • Re: [] Is backward incompatibility change allowed in Jakarta EE?, (continued)
  • [] Solve Github Issues And Get Cash, Mihai A.
  • [] presentations, Kito Mann
  • Re: [] [Open Feedback] to this Community via Twitter, Werner Keil
  • Re: [] [Open Feedback] to this Community via Twitter, reza_rahman
  • [] Help wanted: improved signature test tool, Bill Shannon
  • Re: [] Jakarta EE Development Workspace - Slack invite, reza_rahman
  • [] Jakarta EE 9 APIs - what's required? what's allowed?, Bill Shannon
  • Re: [] Jakarta EE Development Workspace - Slack invite, Ian Darwin
  • [] Jakarta EE Development Workspace - Slack invite, Tanja Obradovic
  • [] RES: Eclipse is still behind the current state of Jakarta EE 8, arjan tijms
  • [] JakartaEE at FOSDEM, cen
  • [] Short Twitter Poll, Mihai A.
  • [] [Open Feedback] to this Community via Twitter, Amelia Eiras

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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