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Re: [] [] Amelia and Cesar: Dev Nexus feedback?

Hi Ed, All,

please see my responses in line.

Again, many thanks for your help!


On 2019-03-15 11:25 a.m., Ed Bratt wrote:


I would recommend writing out the abbreviations used under Wayne's section. It's likely only the Spec. committee and maybe a few of the other committee members will know what EFSP and JESP stand for.

Sounds good thanks!

Amelia seemed to be suggesting that we establish a mechanism for community members to raise topics -- with maybe a preference for topics which the community would take ownership of (I'm not sure if I'm getting it right).

Should we discuss this on the next Marketing call?

How should this work, going forward. Is the working group "managed" by any of the existing committees? I think Paul made some reference to the PMC though I am not clear if this was just with respect to getting topics and/or presenters. I am still trying to understand the current intentions around the meeting. Should the marketing committee have any role in the production of this monthly meeting?

The intention of the call is simple - provide regular updates to the community (initially WG community, now all Jakarta EE).  I will let Paul comment on the question of management as I am not clear on the context, but Steering Committee is the one with a duty to (link)

  • Define and manage the strategy of the working group.

I am hoping very much that Marketing Committee will promote and help shape this call, however.

-- Ed

On 3/15/2019 6:34 AM, Tanja Obradovic wrote:

Hello All,

I am very sorry for not being able to attend the marketing call yesterday, as I would love to discuss further the current situation with the monthly WG calls. I thank you for your feedback! It was communicated to last couple of specification committee and / or steering committee calls that we had NO attendance on the last call - concerning and disappointing.

Here are my note about the call and issues with the call

Here is what we have in place so far:

  • Jakarta EE Working Group Calendar is set up with a monthly calls, last Wednesday 11 AM EST each month.
  • The Calendar link is shared with, that should have all Jakarta EE members signed up as well as broader audience as the mailing list is public
  • Calendar notifications about the call are set up
  • Separate email as reminder to the is sent to the mailing list a couple of days ahead

Here are issues / suggestions on how we can improve:

  1. WG members may not be aware of the call or may not be aware of the purpose of the calls
  2. We should consider changing the call Title. Suggestion Jakarta EE Monthly Status Update
  3. We should improve the description and expand the Agenda closer to the call - not just provide link to the document
  4. We should send an individual email to all Jakarta EE company members inviting them to attend and participate and further invite interested parties from their companies
  5. With the new title we should consider opening the call to the community - I am in favor of this.

Our next call is scheduled for March 27th, and I would like to have the similar agenda as in Feb

  • Jakarta EE updates from the Foundation (Paul Buck / Tanja Obradovic - Eclipse Foundation)

    • Jakarta EE 8 release

    • Community engagement update: Town Hall in January, Jakarta Tech Talks - meetups....

  • Update on the Specification Process (Wayne Beaton - Eclipse Foundation)

    • EFSP v1.1

    • JESP

  • PMC / Projects Update (Ivar Grimstad - Principal Consultant, Cybercom Sweden)

    • Jakarta EE 9 - Jakarta EE Platform project, update

  • Marketing Update (Michael DeNicola - Fujitsu)

    • Project Pages (Jonathan Gallimore - Tomitribe)

  • Questions

I will likely work this call on the Monday and implement the above suggestion, so by mid / late week title and invites are corrected.

Please let me know if anything else should be considered for this call.

Thanks all for being vocal and persistent.



On 2019-03-14 7:37 p.m., Amelia Eiras wrote:
uesting quotes and blogs was still getting requests to participate on the GlassFish release document from back Jan to now. (closed now to public b/c of those incoming requests) Though the document was transferred to EF wonderful team and I do not follow up on those requests, It is important to note that the chosen openness to that release was healthy and positively received. 

Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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