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Re: [iot-wg] Updates to Asset Tracker?

Hello Matt,


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From: <iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Matt Schuetze <mschuetze@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: IoT Working Group mailing list <iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, December 4, 2017 at 10:36
To: "iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx" <iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [iot-wg] Updates to Asset Tracker?


Hello IoT teams:


Azul wants to do some experimentation on the Asset Tracker test bed.


Part One: We already did our Eclipse Kura pieces and found a bunch of Maven dependency fixes. How best should we report each issue (and upstream any source patches) back to the Kura team and/or to the current Asset Tracker hosts?


Part Two: We request a parallel instance of the Kapua/OpenShift/Elastic back end that we can play against without disrupting the existing live system. I don’t know who specifically (Benjamin?) setup the public Asset Tracker, but there already appears to be a parallel version called eclipseiot-testbed-productionperformancemanagement. We would similarly want another parallel version only to give us confidence on a working Asset Tracker system that we can yank around and shove gateway data into, while in parallel we setup our own hosted instance to make the somewhat more invasive data, UI, and stack configuration mods we are considering.


BTW, we would gladly bring other IoT WG partners into our effort if anyone is interested in playing together, but today our goal is to learn how to use the current Asset Tracker from its parts in its current form without upsetting other test bed users. Thanks much.


Matt Schuetze

Azul Product Manager


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