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[iot-wg] MQTT Payload - Kura Proposal

   following up our conversion at EclipseCON, please find below the definition of the MQTT payload adopted by Kura.

It is based on Google Protocol Buffers so it offers an efficient serialization while being language independent.
Its main purpose is to describe structure not semantics; it leaves rooms of extensibility for specific vertical applications.

The Java Class wrapping the payload is available here:

Comments are welcome.



On Nov 4, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Ian Skerrett <ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


The next IoT WG meeting will be tomorrow Nov 5 at 9amPT/12:00pmET/18:00CET.  The call-in numbers are available at
Proposed agenda items:
-        Introduction of new members
-        Follow-up on action items from Face-2-Face meeting
o   Support for different protocols
o   LWM2M over MQTT
o   Common message formats for MQTT
o   Signing support
-        December announcement for project releases (Concierge, Kura, OM2M and SmartHome)
-        Community outreach at Embedded World Germany
Ian Skerrett
VP Marketing
Eclipse Foundation
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