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  • [iot-wg] Bluetooth LE support in Kura, Kai Kreuzer
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Metrics ­ April 2015, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Open Source IoT Server discussion, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] No meeting today, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Mark Your Calendar: Internet of Things - The Role of Free and Open Source Software, Mike Milinkovich
  • [iot-wg] IoT World, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Joining Working Group, James Kirkland
  • [iot-wg] Interview with InfoQ at EclipseCon 2015, Benjamin Cabé
  • Re: [iot-wg] R: Eclipse IoT Metrics - March 2015, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Metrics - March 2015, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Defining an IoT Server Platform, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT Events this Fall, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT Support, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT Developer Survey Results, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Agenda for IoT WG Meeting, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] slides from IoT WG F2F meeting at EclipseCon, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] LwM2M over MQTT - Call today, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] LwM2M specification essential patents, Ian Craggs
  • [iot-wg] Open IoT Challenge ­ Final submissions, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Please review the new website, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Instrumentino - an open-source framework for Arduino based (but not only) scientific instruments, Yoel Koenka
  • [iot-wg] Submit your talk to EclipseCon France before the early bird deadline!, Gaël Blondelle
  • [iot-wg] Reminder: IoT WG Meeting tomorrow (important: 5pm for Central Europe), Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Solair!, Valeria Naldi
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Meeting Today at EclipseCon, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Reminder: IoT Dinner at EclipseCon tonight, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Days Grenoble - March 30-31, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Metrics - February 2015, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] IoT Dinner meetup at EclipseCon on March 9, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] IoT, Science, and LocationTech collaboration, Andrew Ross
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Meetings at EclipseCon, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] CfP: IoT 2015, Mike Milinkovich
  • [iot-wg] Open IoT Challenge update, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Reminder: IoT WG Meeting on Feb. 11, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT Developer Survey, Ian Skerrett

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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