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[iot-wg] Reminder: Next IoT WG Meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 5 at 9amPT/12:00pmET/18:00CET


The next IoT WG meeting will be tomorrow Nov 5 at 9amPT/12:00pmET/18:00CET.  The call-in numbers are available at


Proposed agenda items:

-        Introduction of new members

-        Follow-up on action items from Face-2-Face meeting

o   Support for different protocols

o   LWM2M over MQTT

o   Common message formats for MQTT

o   Signing support

-        December announcement for project releases (Concierge, Kura, OM2M and SmartHome)

-        Community outreach at Embedded World Germany



Ian Skerrett

VP Marketing

Eclipse Foundation





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