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[iot-wg] Unconference Meeting Minutes



Thank you to everyone who participated in the IoT Unconference. I really enjoyed the day and in particular the discussions. I also heard a lot of positive feedback from other attendees.


I have posted some meeting minutes on the IoT wiki.

If you did a presentation, please make sure you post your slides. Benjamin also recorded most of the sessions so we hope to post the recordings in the near future.


There are also a number of action items from the meeting. I have included them in the minutes but will also include them here.


Action Items:


-        A number of projects are supporting a variety of protocols. It was agreed that the IoT PMC would investigate the feasibility of starting a 'commons' project similar to Orbit so we can host IP clean implementations of different protocols, ex Zigbee, Bluetooth, etc. ACTION: Kai and Jens will start the discussion on the PMC mailing list.

-        A number of participants were interested in pursuing the implementation of the LWM2M specification over MQTT. ACTION: Marco will start a discussion on the IoT WG mailing list.

-        There was general interest in starting to specify common MQTT message formats. Kura has already specify some formats so this might be a good starting point. ACTION: Marco will send to the IoT WG mailing list the formats used by Kura.

-        Four projects, Concierge, Kura, OM2M and SmartHome are all planning releases in December. ACTION: Ian Skerrett will coordinate a press release/announcement about the releases.

-        We are planning an IoT Theme Day at EclipseCon NA in March. We need to form a small program committee to select the talks and more importantly we need submissions for the IoT WG community.



Ian Skerrett

VP Marketing

Eclipse Foundation





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