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Re: [ice-dev] Enabling ConnectCoreAction

On 11/29/2016 1:50 PM, Ramachandran K. Narayanan wrote:
Hello Scott,

Sure, I had gone through the explanations. Once I get the ConnectCore action working, based on my outline mail sent earlier, I will work on incorporating the changes and so that the client can connect automatically to a local instance of core using this framework.

Hi Ram. Ok. As Jay Jay suggested, I would be happy to attach any of the new or modified classes (which I've previously attached) as a github pull request, but I'm not sure which ones you would prefer to implement/reimplement yourself (e.g. Client). Please just let me know which classes you want me to submit in a pull request...or if you prefer just use them via email and keep the attribution to me in the headers. Whichever is easier for the two of you is fine with me.


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