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[ice-dev] Code Review Schedule

Due to the large number of changes in the UnifiedVizRefactor_NoReactor branch, we will need to review it in smaller pieces. Here are the plug-ins which have been created or substantially altered in the branch, in the order that I think a reviewer would most easily understand them., These bundles dealing with jMonkeyEngine have been essentially removed from ICE. They're listed here merely for the sake of completion. This now holds, a bundle that features the basic implementations of all visualization Model View Controller classes. also has the UpdateableSubscriptionManager class that is used for the observer pattern in these classes. Although new, this plug-in is mostly old classes dealing with Nek5000 and the ICE properties tab for the Mesh Editor. Only the NekPolygon Controller and Mesh classes are new. Similar to the previous plug-in, this has mostly UI related classes. However, the bundle has several model/view/controller classes. 

Collectively, these last two are a good example of how the base MVC classes are extended, and are small enough to be reviewed together. A large plug-in featuring the generic classes for rendering scenes in JavaFX. Most of this is Tony McCrary's code and is sparsely commented, so it will take more time to review in order to work out exactly what each class is doing, as even I'm not sure about the specifics of why things here are designed the way they are or the high level view of how all the pieces fit together. and These plug-ins are essentially just specific extensions of the MVC classes from viz.service, viz.service.geometry, and viz.service.mesh and the JavaFX canvas classes from They should be easy to understand, but are long enough to be reviewed separately.

Finally there are the *.test plug-ins, which are simple enough to spread out along with their parent packages and reviewed at the same time. 

We should also discuss Alex's ideas for restructuring the packages, as I agree with his comments from a couple of weeks ago that the MVC modeling data structures are now large enough to be their own viz plug-in, unrleated to viz.service. 


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