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I just took a look at your last pull request. Neither of those interfaces are actually in regular use and they will probably be marked as deprecated in a future release. Someone could still use them now though, so it is good that we have extension points for them.

So, instead, you could move on to create more extension points in the viz bundles or ui, depending on where Fangzhou and JiSoo are respectively. Alternatively, you could coordinate with Nick to work on code in the Core.

If Nick is working on writing code for the IJAXBClassProvider and the ICompositeItemBuilder, you could help by either writing the code for one of those directly or by moving code onto the interfaces as static interface methods. I can put together an example of the latter if you want to work on that.

If neither of those appeal to you, then let me know. You could probably get started on refactoring the FormEditor to take extension points too, which I could also show you.


Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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