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Re: [higgins-dev] Bandit Realm Definition Samples

Ok, I think I see where you're going, we have several possibilities
here.  I'm going to mull them over and make a specific proposal for this
use case and see what you all think.


>>> Greg Byrd <gbyrd@xxxxxxxx> 7/24/2006 3:36 PM >>>

> 1. Would each of the 3 realms be a Context Provider, with the "Join"
> Context Provider encapsulating the other two?
Yes, I think there would be three ContextProvider objects  in this 
case.  But you might only
register one -- the Join CP contains both Contexts that are implemented

by the
LDAP and XML CPs.  Whether you register one, two, or three depends on 
how you
want the data presented to the IdAS consumer.  (And you could have one

or two
or more Contexts -- see below.)

> 2. Via realm configuration, I could easily have had two LDAP realms.
> 3. Would they both use the same "LDAP" Context Provider with
> URI's?
Yes, that's what I would expect.  (But I guess it depends on whether
LDAP directory is
associated with the Context or with the ContextProvider.  I would
the former -- that is,
part of the creation of an LDAP Context would be the URL of its 
directory.  If it's the latter, then
you'd need two ContextProviders, one for each directory.)

> 4. Then, what would the Context represent?  Or would there be a
> Context Provider with two LDAP contexts and an XML context?
You could expose this in many different ways.  You could have one CP 
(Join) and one
Context which represents all DigitalSubjects the two directories and
XML file.  Or you
could have three Contexts.  These are just the two most obvious, but
could also
have more Contexts, representing various subsets of the DigSubs.

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