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Re: [higgins-dev] [IdAS] use cases

Some comments before I describe a strawman design.

First, I realize that the use cases are context-centric. In other words, the view is that the user cares only about the Context as data, not its underlying representation. (The "import" case is the exception.)

Second, to address one of Tom's questions, I do think that it's possible for different Context Providers to source the same Context URI. In one such case, the data source is a well-known public LDAP directory -- different Context Providers are essentially Higgins interfaces which point to that common information. In another case, the same data could, in fact, be represented in different raw formats. I don't know how useful this is, but consider if the URI represents "Raleigh residents." If the City of Raleigh publishes that information as a flat file, I could import that information into an SQL database. In both cases, Context Providers could legitimately claim to represent that URI. (Again, this might not be a good example -- once an independent copy of the info exists, shouldn't it have a different URI?)


ContextProvider extends
-- registered via file, or via Security.addProvider

ContextFactory is a service type (abstract class), and its only legal algorithm is "higgins". -- propose "higgins" as algorithm, so that a single factory can support multiple underlying data storage formats -- an attribute "DataTypes" specifies a list of all underlying data formats supported by this factory -- does most of what we used to call ContextProvider (open, close, metadata, policy...)

Context is a service type (abstract class), and its algorithm string is its URI -- an attribute "FactoryClass" specifies the class name of the ContextFactory that creates this type of context -- static method getInstance(URI) to create a Context object via a particular provider and factory -- Question: Is a provider allows to have several services with the same algorithm, but different attributes?

USE CASE 1 -- User has URI of a Context and withes to open it. No constraints on provider.

1. User calls Context.getInstance(<uri>).
2. Context.getInstance() calls Security.getProviders("Context.<uri>"). This returns an array of Providers in preference order. 3. Calls provider.getService("Context.<uri>") using the first Provider in the array.
   4. Calls service.getAttribute("FactoryClass").
   5. Creates an instance of the factory class.
   6. Calls factory.openContext(<uri>).
   7. Returns Context.

USE CASE 2 -- User has URI of a Context and wishes to open it using a specific provider.
1. User calls Context.getInstance(<uri>, <provider>).
   2. Context.getInstance() calls Security.getProvider(<provider>).
   3. Calls provider.getService("Context.<uri>").
   4. Calls service.getAttribute("FactoryClass").
   5. Creates an instance of the factory class.
   6. Calls factory.openContext(<uri>).
   7. Returns Context.

USE CASE 3 -- User wishes to determine which providers are available for a particular Context. 1. User calls Security.getProviders("Context.<uri>"). Returns a preference-ordered array of Providers.

USE CASE 4 -- User wishes to import a Context that is already represented in a specific format. (NOTE: What this means is that the user needs to locate a ContextFactory that supports the proper type, then somehow initialize a Context using the imported information. The details of this may not be quite right, but I'm trying to capture a case when
the user needs a particular underlying technology.)
1. User calls Security.getProviders("ContextFactory.higgins"). Returns an array of Providers in preference order. 2. For each Provider in array, call provider.getServices("ContextFactory.higgins"). Returns a set of Provider.Service objects.
3. For each service object, do service.getAttribute("DataFormat").
4. Search attribute string for the format (e.g., "LDAP").
5. If match, call service.getInstance() to get a ContextFactory and then do whatever's needed to initialize the Context.

USE CASE 5 -- User wishes to find out which Contexts are available using the currently-installed providers.
1. User calls Security.getProviders().
2. For each provider, calls provider.getServices().
3. Search for type = "Context" in service set. If non-null, add to return list.

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