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Re: [higgins-dev] Context Termionology (was [IdAS] use cases)

Tom Doman wrote:
1. Did I ask this already?  Are we planning to have each Higgins
implementor, implement their own IdASRegistry?  That seems to be implied
by the outline below but I'm not sure why that'd have to be
reimplemented by everyone who wants to implement their own Context
An implementor of a ContextProvider would not need to do this. But the implementor of an IdAS service would, UNLESS we specify a required configuration mechanism -- which gets us back to where we started. Higgins can provide an IdASRegistry implementation that works for both Eclipse and JDK, which will be enough for many platforms. But we should also, IMO, provide a way to extend or override the configuration approach that Higgins implements.
2. Yes, let's get back to your question about which Contexts are
registered and how.  I'd like to see what you propose.

I suggested a few alternatives in a previous message (Subject: contexts visible via Endpoint).
The main design decisions boil down to these two questions:

(1) Should all Contexts known to a particular ContextProvider be registered with the IdASRegistry? If yes, this is fairly simple. If no, then how to we specify which should be registered (visible to anyone using the IdASRegistry) and which should not? NOTE: "Visible" does not mean "openable" -- the ability to open a Context should
be determined by policy.

(2) Is a particular ContextProvider instance associated with one and only one IdASRegistry? I think the answer is yes. This is important because the ContextProvider may need to dynamically register a newly-created Context, so it needs a reference to its registry.


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