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RE: [gmf-dev] mindmap models

Hi Kris,

Sorry for the delay, as I was traveling yesterday.

First thing I noticed was the missing base package setting in the
mindmap.genmodel (it should be org.eclipse.gmf.examples, although it
should be optional).

Also, the gmfgraph model looks to have been created with every domain
element checked in the wizard.  You only needed to have checked the
Topic as an element, its name attribute as a label, and its subtopics
reference as a link.  

The reason you were unable to find the right mapping for the label is
that the mindmap.gmfgraph was not loaded in the mapping model editor.
Odd, as this should be done using the wizard if you use the cheatsheet.
It had the basic.gmfgraph loaded, which is a default for the wizard not
launched from the cheat sheet link.  Anyway, to load another gmfgraph
afterwards, you can just right-click in the gmfmap editor and select
Load Resource...  Pick your mindmap.gmfgraph and you'll then see the
proper list of labels available.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:gmf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Kris McGlinn
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 5:12 AM
To: gmf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gmf-dev] mindmap models

Hey Rich,

Cheers for that, here are a copy of the mindmap models,



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