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Re: [geomesa-users] Timeouts on geomesa-hbase


Were you able to ingest through the geomsa-hbase script, or did you ingest in some other fashion? It is likely a connection/configuration issue with the command line tools - you can use ./geomesa-hbase classpath to ensure that your hbase-site.xml is getting picked up (the classpath should contain $HBASE_HOME/conf). If it's not, you can copy it into the conf/ folder of the tools.



On 12/7/18 11:12 AM, Roger Downing wrote:

Hi there,

I’ve ingested about 600 million points into Geomesa with 5 attributes. I tried to do a geomesa-hbase export on a very small bounding box and with a max result count of 100, but it timed out. I then tried to do a geomesa-hbase explain on the same CQL query “BBOX(gps, -83.315506,42.292548,-83.212166,42.349537)” and it timed out once again. Using hbase shell I can see the geomesa tables. Are there any obvious things I should try? All commands are being run from the master node of an AWS EMR cluster with HBase installed via bootstrap.


Thanks again,



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