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  • [eclipselink-dev] build from trunk and latest daily build don't include classes in eclipselinkmw.jar, (continued)
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 242911, Matt MacIvor
  • [eclipselink-dev] fix for 245003: NativeBatchWritingTestModel's CacheStatementBatchWritingTest fails when run in the LRG, christopher delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for Bug 236700 - Build: Come up with source bundles parallel to binary bundles, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 244260 - [OSGI] location of persistence.xsd and orm.xsd causes split package for javax.persistence, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 238130, Guy Pelletier
  • [eclipselink-dev] Proposed perf optimization remove isNull for non 0 values, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 244729, Matt MacIvor
  • [eclipselink-dev] fix for 236275: Bad error message for ListContainerPolicy and DescriptorException.attributeTypeNotValid, christopher delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] RE: SVN Pending commit: bug#220394 - improve insert performance, avoid change records for new wobjects, JAMES . SUTHERLAND
  • [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for bug241681[SessionBroker has not been updated since TopLink 9], Sebastien Tardif
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 244241 - connection not released on query timeout when cursor used, David Minsky
  • [eclipselink-dev] fix for 237545: List attribute types on OneToMany using @OrderBy does not work with attribute change tracking, christopher delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 1.1M1 is now available, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 1.0.1M1 is now available, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 244225, Matt MacIvor
  • [eclipselink-dev] OSGI: Opinion request - Packaging of JPA XSD files, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug Bug 243265 - OSGI: Remove split packages amongst various EclipseLink bundles, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for bug 244206[discoverUnregisteredNewObjects doesn't populate knownNewObjects but unregisteredExstingObjects], Sebastien Tardif
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN Pending commit: bug#220394 - improve insert performance, avoid change records for new wobjects, JAMES . SUTHERLAND
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 243364 VersionLockingPolicy updates., Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Unidirectional One To Many Mapping, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Postpone or Cancel EclipseLink Dev meeting for this week, PETER . KROGH
  • [eclipselink-dev] Package Change for 2 Public Classes, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug triaging, PETER . KROGH
  • [eclipselink-dev] discoverUnregisteredNewObjects doesn't populate knownNewObjects but unregisteredExstingObjects, Sebastien Tardif
  • [eclipselink-dev] Proposed changes to automated build - use of JDK 6, Mike Norman
  • [eclipselink-dev] patch for bug 243365 - Forked Java VM exited abnormally when running SDOXMLHelperLoadAndSaveTestSuite, EDWIN . TANG
  • [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for bug 243300 NullPointer when WEAK ReferenceMode is used., Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] What version is available in the trunk public SVN repo?, Hugo Garcia
  • [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 240488, Guy Pelletier
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 240166, Matt MacIvor
  • [eclipselink-dev] The 1st patch for bug 242289 - All Existing JPA Tests Need to Migrate Running on Application Servers, EDWIN . TANG
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 242471 - IllegalStateException required from em.flush(), Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Initial patch for bug 238842 - Add support for running JPA tests on WebSphere, EDWIN . TANG
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN MAIN: Checkin bug#220394 - improve insert performance, JAMES . SUTHERLAND
  • [eclipselink-dev] Upgrade to Junit4., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for 241979 - MappedSuperclasses are not weaved unless they contain a OneToOneMapping, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] [Fwd: [Bug 238696] Fix use of Double Checked Locking pattern], Mitesh Meswani
  • [eclipselink-dev] LRG failures on a fresh workspace?, Mitesh Meswani
  • [eclipselink-dev] 1.0.1 bugs, PETER . KROGH
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for 240197 - Deletes fail for multi-level multiple table primary key objects in JDK 1.6, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Problem with generated SQL query in eclipselink., BalaKrishna Penugonda
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 241565, Matt MacIvor
  • [eclipselink-dev] Problem with converted deployment xmls, BalaKrishna Penugonda
  • [eclipselink-dev] Dali EclipseLink support, Karen Moore
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN top level repository changes., Webmaster(Matt Ward)

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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