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[eclipselink-dev] Upgrade to Junit4.


I'm working on integrating DBWS into the build system, it is using JUnit4 rather than JUnit3.

Since we can only use once version of JUnit, I could ask that Mike rework his tests for JUnit3. However, I understand that Ganymede ships with JUnit4, and that JUnit3 is in End-of-Life. So we should probably All upgrade to JUnit4.

With that in mind, I downloaded JUnit 4.4 last week and ran some tests. There will be test rework necessary with the upgrade.

Before I go to the webmaster and ask permission to check in a version of JUnit4 so we can start to migrate I want to put it to you: Is there any reason we should not start migrating to JUnit4 at this time?

If not, Is there any reason we should not upgrade to the latest version of JUnit4?
If so, What version would would you recommend?



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