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Re: [eclipselink-dev] Problem with generated SQL query in eclipselink.

Hello Balakrishna,

Please file a bug for this. Some workarounds are to shorten your field names, so that the addition of 2 characters does not put them over the limit. Another is to alternative would be to turn the Rownum filtering feature off, using the OraclePlatform setShouldUseRownumFiltering(false) method. This will cause it to not require aliases in queries that set the first row or max results to be returned.

Best Regards,

BalaKrishna Penugonda wrote:
Hi All,
Today i was trying to call read operation on a table containing identifier with length 30 chars.. When i am calling read operation on it, the generated sql query is causing problem to get the result. I am highlighting the field in the table having 30 chars but alias is created as 32 characters which is causing the problem to execute the query during runtime.. SELECT * FROM (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (SELECT TABLE1_OID AS TABLE1_OID1, TABLE1_CREATED_USR AS TABLE1_CREATED_USR2, TABLE1_DSCR AS TABLE1_DSCR3, TABLE1_EMAIL_ADDR AS TABLE1_EMAIL_ADDR4, TABLE1_LAST_MODIFIED_USR AS TABLE1_LAST_MODIFIED_USR5, TABLE1_ID AS TABLE1_ID6, TABLE1_PURCH_ORDR_NBR AS TABLE1_PURCH_ORDR_NBR7, TABLE1_ROOT_OID AS TABLE1_ROOT_OID8, NAME_GIVEN_NAME1 AS NAME_GIVEN_NAME19, NAME_SURNAME AS NAME_SURNAME10, TABLE1_STATUS_CD AS TABLE1_STATUS_CD11, ORDR_SPLMNTD_ORDR_ID AS ORDR_SPLMNTD_ORDR_ID12, TABLE1_SUBMTD_DT AS TABLE1_SUBMTD_DT13, *TABLE1_MONTHLY_RCURRNG_DSPL_SUM* *AS* *TABLE1_MONTHLY_RCURRNG_DSPL_SUM14*, TABLE1_TOTAL_AMT AS TABLE1_TOTAL_AMT15, TABLE1_TOTAL_SPLMNTL_AMT AS TABLE1_TOTAL_SPLMNTL_AMT16 FROM ORDR_VIEW WHERE (TABLE1_ROOT_OID = 1000665) ORDER BY
Could you please look fix this issue ASAP. Thanks,

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