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Re: [] Top issues of planning council

Sorry I missed most of the most-recent meeting...

Recall that ECF provides two transport implementations as used by p2, but the newer one, based on built-in Java support, is not fully functional with respect to more complex network configurations, so we've needed to disable it.  This issue is tracked by the following, but it was closed for lack of progress and lack of plans for progress:

I think it would serve our collective best interests to have a single industrial-strength implementation based on the JDK rather than the older one based on Apache libraries.


On 05.06.2024 17:36, Jonah Graham via wrote:
Hi folks,

As you may have seen in today's meeting notes that much of the time was dedicated to identifying top issues to have funded. 

As representatives of your respective PMC and organizations, can you please highlight additional issues that we can fund with the available budget in 2024. There is expected to be enough budget for many months of work.

Ideally we are looking for reasonably well defined issues that there is some reasonable chance of finding someone to look at, including making sure that the completed work has someone who can review it adequately.


Jonah Graham (he/him)
Kichwa Coders

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