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  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #2441, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #2299, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #2286, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] Problems reading Geometry Files, kaspergam
  • [eavp-dev] Comparison between FENICS and ICE mesh formats, Smith, Robert W.
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #2131, hudsonbuild
  • Re: [eavp-dev] BGFX maybe?, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] Fixed target in my jay/model branch, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #2059, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #1981, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] Sample geometry xml file based on rudimentary EMF model, Jay Jay Billings
  • Re: [eavp-dev] Official p2 repository for EAVP, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #1852, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] 96cadc: ParaView can be launched remotely, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] 35ac37: Worked on ParaView connection, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] ORNL OLCF Data and Workflow Group Survey, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Master #1610, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] 25762d: Began work on mesh editor refactor, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] 5fa27f: Changed getFactory method name, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] 9629aa: Fixed Mesh Editor bugs, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] d6f53b: Changed mesh class names, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] de4bca: Changed Tycho Maven Plugin Repo, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] 495455: Persistence improvements and bug fixes, GitHub
  • [eavp-dev] [eclipse/eavp] a03913: JavaFX edges now display without being refreshed, GitHub
  • Re: [eavp-dev] EAVP ready to go, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] EAVP source code build, Smith, Robert W.
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Hudson build is back to normal : EAVP-Master #1324, hudsonbuild
  • Re: [eavp-dev] Eclipse EAVP and Visit Connection, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] Fwd: Eclipse EAVP and Visit Connection, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] MeshDescriptionTester is broken, temporarily disabled for build, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] Next branches in ICE and EAVP are hosed, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] Commit messages, Jay Jay Billings
  • [eavp-dev] pull request, Greg Watson
  • [eavp-dev] Example JAXB xml, Smith, Robert W.
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Next #951, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Next #942, hudsonbuild
  • [eavp-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: EAVP-Next #860, hudsonbuild

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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