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dataspace-wg-spec Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [dataspace-wg-spec] [BALLOT] Approval to Create the Eclipse Data Rights Policies and Profiles (DRP) Specification Project, Eclipse Management Office EMO
  • [dataspace-wg-spec] Fwd: [dataspace-wg-specification-committee] BALLOT: Approval to Create the Eclipse Conformity Assessment Policy and Credential Profile Specification Project, Eclipse Management Office EMO
  • [dataspace-wg-spec] [completed] BALLOT: Approval to Create the Eclipse Dataspace Decentralized Claims Protocol, Maria Teresa Delgado
  • [dataspace-wg-spec] BALLOT: Approval to Create the Eclipse Dataspace Decentralized Claims Protocol, Wayne Beaton
  • [dataspace-wg-spec] BALLOT: Approval to Create the Eclipse Dataspace Protocol Specification Project, Wayne Beaton
  • [dataspace-wg-spec] Minutes of the Specification Committee meeting 2024-03-14, Sebastian Steinbuss
  • Welcome to dataspace-wg-spec, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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