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Re: [dash-dev] Associate sites and IP for Eclipse hosted projects..

I don't see why there would be any IP foul here. All you're doing is auto-adding some URLs for the user. You're not forcing them to install anything, and they still have to accept all the licenses / unsigned jars.

(The fact that p2 already does this "automatic adding" when it scans Galileo and loads up the wtp, tptp, birt, emf, cdt, mylyn, etc. sites, or that the EPP bundles which come preloaded w/ update sites suggests all you're doing is providing free information and ease of use.)

That said, IANAL, TINLA. YMMV with your company's IP/legal people.

On 03/11/2010 03:13 PM, Miles Parker wrote:

Nick et. al.,

Read "Athena: p2 repos w/ associate sites"
very very cool! Thanks for taking the time to figure this out. What I'm
wondering is wether you know if this is kosher to do with Eclipse hosted
projects. IOTW, it I include the associated sites in my build, then a
user going to my update site will be able to get the dependency URLs.
They'll have to click through the appropriate licenses of course but it
will be a totally smooth process == big win for users. But will this run
afoul of any Eclipse IP stuff?
cheers, Miles

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Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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