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cross-project-issues-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Heads up: Platform will be "coming in hot" with M6 changes for "Mac App" layout, (continued)
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Central Checksum service going away, Denis Roy
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Update site time outs, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] jdt.core move to Java 7 BREE, Ed Willink
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] CSS Parsers & Eclipse, LETAVERNIER Camille
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] HIPP upgrade capability to Hudson 3.2.2 is now online., Mikael Barbero
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Namespace: org.eclipse.emfforms, Jonas Helming
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Legal, structural, and configuration requirements for simultaneous release participants, Wayne Beaton
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Luna SR2 is now available!, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Hudson shared instance cleanup, Mikael Barbero
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Our not so Quiet Week and Final Daze for Luna SR2, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] org.eclipse.equinox.common has added generics to API in org.eclipse.core.runtime package, Thomas Watson
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Luna SR2 RC4 (final) staging repository is complete., David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] One more spin for Luna SR2 please?, Michael Golubev
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Mylyn contribution to Luna SR2, Sam Davis
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Luna SR2 RC3 staging ("maintenance") repository and EPP packages are complete, Markus Knauer
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Gerrit build job authority problem, Wim Jongman
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Increase line length in Bugzilla so that a Stacktrace fits into the Web UI, Lars Vogel
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Luna SR2 RC3 Repository is complete, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Need a respin of Luna SR2 tomorrow, Bob Brodt
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Automatic Bugzilla updates (Gerrit and Commit references) from Gerrit, Lars Vogel

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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