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cross-project-issues-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • RE: [cross-project-issues-dev] Download stats for p2, (continued)
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Status of DSDP TM?, Greg Watson
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Hudson marked for shutdown again... 4 builds running, Nick Boldt
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Announcing the future removal of the extension point,, Chris Goldthorpe
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Discover strategy, Andrew Overholt
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] should the platform build point to eclipse/updates/3.6-I-builds/I20100518-0800/ instead of eclipse/updates/3.6-I-builds/ ?, Hugues Malphettes
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Migrating Athena Ant-based builds from build to build2 (was Re: Closer, but not quite there), Nick Boldt
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] GMF Restructure and GMP creation, Anthony Hunter
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] still jgit build failures when build is run on build2, Matthias Sohn
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Build 2 question, David Carver
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Hudson is 500'd. Again., Nick Boldt
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Multiple PDT versions in Helios?, Eike Stepper
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Hudson Slave server ready for testing, Denis Roy
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Hudson plugins/upgrades rollbacl, Denis Roy
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Helios repository updates, Ralf Sternberg
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] ECF, RAP, RTSC unused project virtual servers?, Denis Roy
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Helios M7 is done .... mostly, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] New: Eclipse-SourceReferences Header, Darin Wright
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Helios review -- important dates, Anne Jacko

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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