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RE: [cross-project-issues-dev] How to have fun with RC1

Hi all,
one thing to especially keep an eye on when trying to upgrade from a product based on Galileo to a product based on Helios, is the Launcher.ini (eclipse.ini) and config.ini files.
These files must be considered part of the "product", e.g. the JEE package uses -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.5 which the Eclipse Platform (Eclipse SDK) does not use. The expected content of both files has changed between Galileo and Helios:
  • In launcher.ini (eclipse.ini), the --launcher.defaultAction openFile was added
  • also, the arguments to -startup and --launcher.library flags need change
  • In config.ini, the equinox.use.ds=true flag was added
  • also, the argument of osgi.framework needs change
  • In the JEE package, also an jpa.equinox.weaving osgi framework extension was added
I'm wondering what the strategy is for handling these two files on a major upgrade? Keeping the old settings is wrong; some settings must change when I upgrade the Platform. On the other hand, overriding all settings is also wrong. So, some kind of merge is needed. Can this be expected to work? How is it expected to work?
We discovered these issues when accidentally trying to install the Eclipse SDK from the Helios Repo into our commercial product, which uses a different osgi.configuration.area setting. When trying to upgrade, all new bundles were installed into the config area; but upon restart, the application bundle of our product was no longer found.

We didn't dive into any details on this, and solved the issue for now by disallowing an installation / upgrade of the Eclipse SDK. Individual bundles such as the JDT can still be installed / updated. But I'd be rather careful with installing / updating the Platform or especially the Eclipse SDK, which seems to "own" the Launcher in Helios. To me, it looks like a major upgrade can only work if the "Product feature" which contains the .ini files is available in the repo in an updated form. Do we have a Repo for the EPP Product features available yet?
I don't feel like this observation is ready for filing a bug yet, but I thought I'd let people know what _could_ be an issue here...
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
direct +43.662.457915.85  fax +43.662.457915.6

From: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 5:58 PM
To: cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] How to have fun with RC1

I have flipped that switch to make RC1 content visible in the common repository, at

There will now be RC1 and M7 content available there. (I could add back M6 content too ... if anyone has any use for it ... special tests they want to run with multiple composite repos. Performance? Rollback? Let me know soon, say my Tuesday of next week? Otherwise, I'll soon remove all the "old" (unused) milestone sub-repositories to free up mirrors space.  

Remember that if someone starts with M6 or M7, they _might_ still not see the most recent feature listed in a category (See bug
but RC1 itself should show categories correctly.

Now the fun part.

I suggest we all try upgrading a (non-production) version of a Galileo install, to Helios.
Just pick your favorite type of package or install, and see what happens.
As discussed in bug 303583
this is a migration path that _should_ work. For the first time, there are no platform limitations that are known to prevent it.
But, also as discussed there,
it has been decided not to aggressively push that upgrade path ... or even, officially, "support" it
(it is just too new, to know how to guarantee it, etc)  ... but ...
it would be good to know ahead of the release if there were big, obvious problems in some areas ... or,
if some users might have some success doing that type of upgrade. To test, just add
to your Galileo installation list of software sites, and try update or install (depending
on how your Galileo version was created).
I'm really not sure what to expect here ... I think it will either work like magic, or not work at all.
but I do think it is good to know ahead of time.
Please document issues found in bug 303583
or ask here if questions.


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