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Re: [cosmos-dev] RE: i9 QA - Testing with multiple Data Brokers

The command line client was intended to be a temporary solution.  I have a bug opened to provide the web UI to handle these these management tasks.  This bug is currently targeted for i10.  We still have time to decide whether we want to support these functions through the web UI, command line, or both.  The command line option has the advantage of being a more light-weight solution.  I will propose an agenda item for our next architecture call to discuss it.  After we have decided if we will use command line or web UI to manage COSMOS, we can add more functions to the management client.  

Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab

"Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/04/2008 06:43 PM

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Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
"Doma, Srinivas Reddy" <SrinivasReddy.Doma@xxxxxx>
[cosmos-dev] RE: i9 QA - Testing with multiple Data Brokers

Currently, we have the command line interface to register the Data Broker… Some questions on the whole command line question…
1.    Is the command line a long term / strategic part of COSMOS?  Or is it going to be deprecated at some point?
2.    If the answer is former, are there any plan to extend the command line to include things like Broker deregistration and perhaps some even more esoteric management / administration functions?
Jimmy Mohsin
Cell   +1-609-635-1703
Query from Srinivas Doma

3.      COSMOS command line interface

-       We have commands to register broker, can we also have command to de-register broker?

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