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[cosmos-dev] Data Manager and Broker interactions in i9



Another series of questions from Srinivas… These are interesting questions… and we need answers to enable QA to properly scope the i9 testing (ER 216529 Define scope and detail the i9 QA activities).  This is also a continuation of the thread of the Management Domain – Data Broker – Data Manager being “tightly-coupled”, at least in the current architecture….


Hubert / Sheldon / Mark,

Do you see this change between now and i11?  Should we talk about this in the next Arch call?






Query from Srinivas Doma

2.      Data Managers

-       During i8 iteration, we saw Data Managers are registering to default broker automatically?  I feel it should ask for Broker EPR and then

register, so that we can have broker running anywhere (local or remote machine)

-       Also all 4 Data Managers are getting up instantly with single command? Can we have some control over them in bringing up/down of desired data managers?

-       When we bring down Data Managers, why don’t it de-registers from broker? So that user cannot query for data on inactive data mangers.


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