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[che-dev] PRs review proposal

Hello all!

I would like to share some of my experience related to the code review of PRs.

I start to provide for my PRs the section for devfile with component of cheEditor type. The section allows to start a workspace from a devfile and get assembly with my changes in a minute, try to use it/test it.

Sure I understand that this is my responsibility to try giving the best quality for my PRs.

Why I start to do it?

When I do code review for a PR, it’s important for me not just review a code, but try using a new feature (if it’s feature) or test all known me cases (if it’s fix for a bug). So I have to spend time to get assembly with a PR changes (build images and so on).

At the same time we have the cool feature in our product - opportunity to start workspace from a devfile with corresponding component and easy get assembly with changes.

I think we can provide such section for our PRs, so anyone willing could play with changes. It gives ability:

- to experience a new feature not by screenshots or video, but trying to use it 

- identify the potential problems not after merge but before merge



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