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[che-dev] Che 7 Release Update

Hi all,

A quick update on the Che 7 release:

The number of blocker issues [1] is currently down to 6.
On the documentation side, of the initial 15 articles in the endgame [2], 5 are completed, the rest are under review or in progress.
The e2e happy path test is implemented but we are still looking for the proper infrastructure to run it as a PR check. 

That said we should be able release sometime between next week and the 14th of August.

In team meantime, tomorrow, we will release the RC 4 of Che 7 that contains a lot of good stuff:
- new stacks and samples
- every Che instance has its own plugin and devfile registries
- git through ssh scenario
- operator CI scripts
- self-signed SSL certificates support
- much faster build time (bye bye GWT)
- a lot of bug fixes...



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