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[che-dev] Che 7 Release

Hello all,

As some already know the Che 7 GA epic [1] tracks the tasks that separate us from the release of Che 7 GA. Most of the teams are on track and will be able to complete their tasks by the end of current sprint (22nd of may).

However there are still a couple of areas where we are way behind the schedule: documentation and e2e test automation. In addition to that, teams have been asking for a quiet period for bug fixing before declaring Che 7 ready for GA.

With those assumptions and after discussing with all team leads this is the plan for next releases:
  • 05/22 - Che 7 RC1: Che 7 features completed
  • 06/12 - Che 7 RC2: Bug fixing / Documentation / Test automation
  • 07/03 - Che 7 GA


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