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[che-dev] Eclipse Che 6.x

Small updates about 6.x strategy

After collecting opinions I think I can propose such steps.

1. At least for some time, we will need to support two major versions. 5.x and 6.0-Mx
2. We are going to release both 5.x and 6.0-Mx until the time when 6.0-GA will be merged into master.
3. We are forcing protection on che6 branch so no one can push in this branch without review.
4. We have opened pr from the che6 branch so everybody can review and comment existed changes.
5. Since in che 5 we are not expecting format changes in any API, but in Che6 it's still possible until we release GA, we are going to ask committers that if changes are made against che5 it has to be made in che6 too. The opposite is not required.
6. Today I'm going to merge master to che6 automatically last time. After that, I will set up
    6.0-M1-SNAPSHOT version in che6. After this action, all changes in che5 have to be manually
    cherry-picked to che6.

 Sergii Kabashniuk

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