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Re: [che-dev] Plugins API

Hi Vlad:

Thanks for getting in touch. We have all the time in the world to help anyone who says they like our product!

For questions about building plug-ins, we take them here on this email forum, and also on the GitHub forum. 

For your points:
1. I have cc'd the engineers that have spent the most time either architecting the plug-in framework, and / or using it to build our plug-ins especially the Java / Maven ones.
2. As a general rule, the objective is to be able to plug existing libraries for various languages to run natively within the workspace, and then to create Che plug-in wrappers around those libraries, turning them into RESTful services. This is what was done for Java, and some _javascript_. I believe that our abstractions are clean here, but I imagine that the cleanliness of the abstractions themselves get stronger as more languages are added in.  I am just the project lead, not the architect - so those CC'd can provide better descriptions.

Could you share a little about which languages you'd like to add support for?

Tyler Jewell | CEO | tyler@​codenvy.​com | 9​78​.8​84​.53​55

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Vlad Dumitrescu <vladdu55@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm not entirely sure this is the right place to ask.

I tried the beta and I am impressed. Looks and feels very nice. I am interested in writing plugins to support additional languages, but I am a bit confused about how these work. 

I see that the Java plugin has a lot of JDT code, which is nice, but there is also a lot of more generic code (for example ide/ext/java/jdt/text classes have no special Java relation). Am I supposed to copy those in my project if I don't want to depend on the JDP plugin? Wouldn't these classes feel more at home in generic "lang-support" plugins, so that unnecessary duplication is avoided?

Also, I can't find any API for services like code completion, so I suppose that there is no generic code for those and each language has to provide its own support from scratch. Wouldn't it be nice to have something generic for those too? 

Maybe this kind of evolution is planned for later, but since I couldn't find more detailed information, I think I will be forgiven to be asking. The worst case scenario is that I will get pointed to documentation that was there but I couldn't see :-)

best regards,

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