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[cf-dev] Implementation of RFC 7967: Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Option for No Server Response

Dear List,
On August 2016 RFC 7967 was published. It adds an option to CoAP header for No-Server response. It is registered in CoAP registry as option number 258.
About this option from the abstract of the RFC:

"  There can be machine-to-machine (M2M) scenarios where server
   responses to client requests are redundant.  This kind of open-loop
   exchange (with no response path from the server to the client) may be
   desired to minimize resource consumption in constrained systems while
   updating many resources simultaneously or performing high-frequency
   updates.  CoAP already provides Non-confirmable (NON) messages that
   are not acknowledged by the recipient.  However, the request/response
   semantics still require the server to respond with a status code
   indicating "the result of the attempt to understand and satisfy the
   request", per RFC 7252.

This specification introduces a CoAP option called 'No-Response'.
   Using this option, the client can explicitly express to the server
   its disinterest in all responses against the particular request.
   This option also provides granular control to enable _expression_ of
   disinterest to a particular response class or a combination of
   response classes.  The server MAY decide to suppress the response by
   not transmitting it back to the client according to the value of the
   No-Response option in the request.  This option may be effective for
   both unicast and multicast requests.  This document also discusses a
   few examples of applications that benefit from this option."

To best of my knowledge Californium does not yet incorporate this option. This option is actually useful for several applications as mentioned in the quoted text and can actually be useful in system level debugging. Could it be possible to have this option included into Californium (and Copper) sometimes down the line?

Abhijan Bhattacharyya
Associate Consultant
Scientist, Innovation Lab, Kolkata, India
Tata Consultancy Services
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