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Re: [cf-dev] Reg COMI Adapter

Hi Kai, Cf-dev Team,

Yeah. I need to take a look at leshan and how the component is build over Californium and its purposes, etc. And Thanks for providing the references.

Regarding CoMI, it is just an interface designed over CoAP specifically for resource constrained device keeping in the mind of enhancing CoAP features by CoRE group,
  • CoAP transfers plaintext in UDP Stream where as CoMI would encode the text in CBOR
  • Separate SNMP server is required for CoAP devices when access to MIB is required, where as in CoMI it is acheived through YANG interface.
  • Apart from request/response, URI part too encoded through YANG Hashing algorithm,

If you have come across CoMI whether CoMI implementation or design or any info, Please share the details it would definitely help. Since you guys have already build a framework it would be easier for you to design the interface or providing guidance.




On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:49 PM, Hudalla Kai (INST/ESY) <Kai.Hudalla@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Sathish,


glad that you are able to use Californium to your advantage J


Regarding CoMI support in Californium:

I had never heard of CoMI before you raised the question, but from glancing over the RFC draft my understanding is that CoMI operates at the “application layer” from a CoAP (and thus Californium’s) standpoint. Thus, a CoMI “adapter” (not sure what you mean by that, a CoMI message en-/decoder?) would probably not be part of Californium but would need to be implemented as a separate component in a similar way as leshan (a LWM2M implementation) is implemented on  top of Californium. So far, I have not heard of any plans for a CoMI implementation within the Californium nor the eclipse IoT community.


But maybe you want to initiate a new open source project providing a CoMI implementation ;-)?





From: cf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sathish Kumar Selvaraj
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 3:40 PM
To: cf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cf-dev] Reg COMI Adapter


Hi All,

I've been using Californium CoAP Java framework(Cf) and Copper(Cu) for a while for my CoAP protocol implementations. It is a lot helpful to me. It is easier to integrate and use in the application.


And i have the following questions for you regarding COMI adapter 

Do you guys have any plan to provide adapter for COMI?

I need to handle COMI response from 6LoWPAN devices, for which I'm looking for suitable adapter.

I'm eagerly waiting for your suggestions.



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