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[cdt-dev] Things to do to bring CDT up to par with Eclipse 2.1/JDT

These are a few of the things which I have noticed (and in
some cases have gone looking for) which I feel we at least
need to make note of as we move to CDT 1.2.

These represent some of the good "starter" projects for people
to be able to jump into and do a bit of investigation and development
work to make sure that the CDT doesn't lag too far behind the 
general Eclipse components and the JDT.  Some of these require
more work than others, and some ... like the task tags ... could
likely be taken directly from JDT until we come up with a more
flexible C model.

Ideally I would love to see a section on the website where
we could put these various "TODO" items so that a developer
(or company) interested in getting involved would have an 
idea of what they can do to get their feet wet.

In any case here is the abbreviated list:

- Add support for a C/C++ Tips and Tricks page.

- Add the missing editor commands and key configurations.

- Make the editor linking behaviour of the C/C++ Project view
  consistant (and configurable).

- Add in support for the C/C++ Project view to be used in
  the Navigate -> Show In menu

- Add in support for sticky hovers.  Hovering is currently 
  supported, but the stickyness of them (using the F2 key)
  is not.

- Search support is coming, but when it gets fully added we 
  should also add the local Search -> Search in File support
  as is done in JDT.

- Support for Quick Fixes for standard simple programming 
  C/C++ programming errors such as missing semicolon, missing
  declaration etc.  

- Limited support for the project content linking, may require
  the ability to configure build commands in various directories.

- Little in the way of code generation support (see 
  Java -> Code Generation) other than templates.

- No support for task tags, ie //TODO: This is a problem
  resulting in a new marker being generated.

- C/C++ Working set type

- Increasing the filter capabilities of the C/C++ Project view.

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