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Re: [cdi-dev] About parsing beans.xml files in Lite

On 26. 01. 21 13:38, Mark Struberg wrote:
If the newly proposed API is a strict subset of CDI, then let's call it "CDI light". If not, then please do not use the "CDI" term in the spec name.
That is my opinion and so far I did not hear any argument which convinced me that it's wrong. So I will voice it again.

Given that we've now repeated many times that what we're trying to build is a subset of CDI, I have to assume that you're talking exclusively about extensions. So here's a thing: portable extensions can't be made to work under the set of constraints I've outlined previously (not without making significant breaking changes). So we're trying to come up with a new extension API. If we put it into CDI Lite, it's no longer a subset of CDI, and if we don't, then there's no extension mechanism and that's wrong too. See the catch 22 here?

I would hope that this gordian knot could be cut by specifying something like "implementations have to support at least 1 of the specified extension mechanisms", but that is very much an open question. I personally don't see a perfect answer.

And then my other arguments: By just moving from one set of API for Extensions to a different other one does NOT make it light.

Just moving a significant part of processing ("pre-wiring") to a separate JVM does make the entire runtime footprint light.

(That is of course a property of implementation, not the specification. The specification probably wouldn't require this, I guess. Also, we propose to exclude some corner-case APIs from Lite, so that makes it somewhat lite.)

It just changes the API away from the current CDI spec to something different. You move the work from startup via reflection to build time + runtime from statically generated info.
Call it for example SDI for "Static Depencency Injection" or whatever you come up with if you like.

By definition, what's in the CDI spec is "the CDI spec". All other claims of what is and isn't CDI are just aesthetical word play, not an argument.

I would hope that any and all attempts to evolve CDI are not shot down solely because they are "not CDI".

Then the next argument: Extensions are not being used.

Hopefully that doesn't refer to my "the number of extension authors is orders of magnitudes smaller than the number of extension users", but if it does, and you're framing it as "extensions are not being used", then you can't be surprised I'm calling you out on using strawman arguments. Because "extensions are not being used" is totally _not_ what I'm saying.

And while I explained that before, I'll repeat that I'm saying this purely to explain why I think breaking extensions is significantly less concerning than breaking the end-user API. I'd love to be proven wrong or naive here.

A quick search shows that there are over 7k Extension implementations on github. And this is just the public part.

If you could share a URL (or instructions) how you found that number, I'd totally appreciate that, because I wasn't able to come up with any reasonable result using GitHub search.

I would personally expect that number to be a lot smaller, but again, I'd love to be proven wrong.

I've done many dozen Business projects (after all that's my main job) for many different big companies around the EU. And from this work I can tell you that many of those projects DO use CDI Extensions in their business projects. Just remember that even MicroProfile started out as set of CDI Extensions. And still are today.

MicroProfile is a set of specifications, all of which can be fully implemented using other mechanisms. Again, property of implementation, not a specification.

And then it is imo perfectly possible to do CDI (or a rather biggish subset) even with GraalVM. Oracle does the same with Helidon. And Apache Meecrowave also runs fine on the GraalVM. So I do not really understand why all this is really necessary.

My understanding is that they run everything at runtime, thereby achieving zero of the benefits we'd like to enable with CDI Lite.

Yes, some changes might make live easier, but they will break compatibility.

And remember: we started this discussion with a proposed incompatible change in the behaviour of beans.xml...

I'd really like a "spec lawyer" to stand up and explain whether the proposal really isn't a subset of what CDI currently allows. Any takers? :-)



Am 26.01.2021 um 09:18 schrieb Ladislav Thon <lthon@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Here's my take at "one defining feature", though it really is the same as what Jason wrote: decouple the "initialization" phase (where beans are discovered, extensions executed etc. etc.) from the "runtime" phase (where the application just runs) so that these 2 phases can be executed in 2 different JVM instances.

Note that I already wrote this here on the list at least once. At this point, I feel like we're running around in circles, attacking the same strawman over and over and over and over. That is not productive. How come we got from a very specific quesion on which everyone's opinion would be very much welcome, to debating "what is CDI Lite", again?


On 25. 01. 21 22:25, Jason Greene wrote:

Hi Manfred, response inline:

On Jan 25, 2021, at 2:29 PM, Manfred Riem <m_riem@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


To clarify if you say subset do you mean that everything that works in this version of CDI would also work in the “Full” version of CDI?
As that is what subset means to me. 

If you are a CDI API user (e.g. a typical EE developer) then yes. 

If you are an integrator extending CDI by distributing an extension then it depends on if the Full implementation chooses to implement the build-compatible extension SPI. In an ideal world we would have one extension SPI, but the problem is that we can’t change/evolve the existing extension SPI without impacting compatibility. Full implementations expect to continue to offer that compatibility so we effectively arrive at two extension SPIs. 


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