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Re: [buckminster-dev] Help to buckminster

Hi Henrik,
from the looks of it, you are trying to extract a bundle in binary form using the cvs reader type. This is not something that this reader type is capable of at this time.The readers for source code management systems (cvs, svn, p4) all assumes that a folder is appointed and the component types are used for extracting meta-data information in this folder.

A better way to to this would be to set up a shared update site containing the binaries and load bundles using the "eclipse.import" reader type. This will enable you to "import" the bundle into your workspace. See for examples on how to do that. Another type of "site" that the "eclipse.import" reader will recognize is the PDE map file type used by Eclipse Orbit. Look at the "default" provider in the dogfood2.rmap. It will access a file that looks like this:

You can use something similar.

Let me know if this resolves this issue or if we need to figure out a better way to support your use-case.

Thomas Hallgren

spam@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Here by att...


Hi Henrik,
I think you forgot to attach the rmap-file.txt.

Thomas Hallgren

spam@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Maybe I'm doing it all wrong....
Maybe I should try to write what I'm trying todo:

1) We're doing an application on top of the Eclipse RCP

2) Because not all the need plug-ins are in the Eclipse RCP
org.eclipse.update.core_3.2.101.R33x_v20070911.jar etc) we've done a
special feature with all the extraneeded plug-ins

3) I've done a feature which include:
        a) My own plugins
        b) feature for for the extra-plug-ins

4) That's the one called "develop.extra.plugin" in the rmap-file.txt
to this mail

5) The jar file is there at the right place
(org.apache.log4j_1.2.13.v200706111418.jar), what is the problem=
        ERROR   [0006] : No suitable provider for component
org.apache.log4j:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath
        ERROR   [0006] : Provider
No match found for component org.apache.log4j

Was thinking it was because it don't want jar file or because the
number is in the jar file


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