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[buckminster-dev] Help to buckminster


Maybe I'm doing it all wrong....
Maybe I should try to write what I'm trying todo:

1) We're doing an application on top of the Eclipse RCP

2) Because not all the need plug-ins are in the Eclipse RCP
org.eclipse.update.core_3.2.101.R33x_v20070911.jar etc) we've done a
special feature with all the extraneeded plug-ins

3) I've done a feature which include:
        a) My own plugins
        b) feature for for the extra-plug-ins

4) That's the one called "develop.extra.plugin" in the rmap-file.txt added
to this mail

5) The jar file is there at the right place
(org.apache.log4j_1.2.13.v200706111418.jar), what is the problem=
        ERROR   [0006] : No suitable provider for component
org.apache.log4j:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath
        ERROR   [0006] : Provider
No match found for component org.apache.log4j

Was thinking it was because it don't want jar file or because the version
number is in the jar file



Hi Henrik,

> Hej
> I'm VERY sry to write to you again, - I'm sitting behind a firewall
> and I can't contact the newsgroup, - I'll do it when I come home.. If
> you don't have the time to answer that is ok, I'll put it on the
> newsgroup later
No problem Henrik. I'm happy to answer your questions. You can always use
the mailing list buckminster-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx if you like. It's mirrored to
the buckminster-dev newsgroup.

> Well I'm trying to use buckminster enable to do headless build (doing
> it in the eclipse IDE right now)
> The feature is downloading work fine until it try to access the
> org.apache.log4j_1.2.13.v200706111418.jar this is a jar which is the
> first jar files it meet, - what seems to be the problem
> ERROR   [0006] : No suitable provider for component
> org.apache.log4j:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath
> develop.extra.plugin
>   ERROR   [0006] : Provider
> cvs(:pserver:schulz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/ntp_common_desktop,/RCP-SD
> K-
> 3.3.X/RCP-SDK-EKSTRA/org.apache.log4j): No match found for component
> org.apache.log4j
This indicates that you have an RMAP that maps the 'org.apache.log4j'
component name to a search path with a provider that uses cvs. Is that
were you'd expect to find that jar?

Normally, the org.apache.log4j is bundled with your Eclipse installation
so the resolver should not attempt to resolve it using the RMAP in the
first place. Perhaps you have an advisor node in the query that matches
the component name and excludes the target platform?

Thomas Hallgren

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