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Re: [asciidoc-wg] Setup of Working Group Web Site / initial repo set up


Thank you for getting the repository for the AsciiDoc Working Group website set up. Now let's keep this momentum going. I'd like to see the website available at by the next Steering Comittee meeting (April 6, 2021). In fact, I'd say this is so important that we can defer the meeting if it's not ready by then. We absolutely need to have a website online in some form in order to proceed.

The site doesn't have to be perfect. Without it, we have nowhere to point people who are interested in this group, so something is better than nothing. With that said, we at least need the following pieces of information on the site:

* A description of the group for the hero section (this can be taken from the charter)
* A link to the AsciiDoc Language project (, perhaps next to the charter
* A complete list of Steering Committee members (Partner Members and individual committers with a seat on the committee)
* A list of approved meeting minutes (or a link to a folder that contains them)

We can improve the site iteratively once it's available.

If there is anything the members of the Steering Committee or community-at-large can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask. The more specific you are about what you need, the better.

Best Regards,


Dan Allen, Vice President | OpenDevise Inc.
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