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Re: [asciidoc-wg] Setup of Working Group Web Site / initial repo set up

Dear working group community,

the evaluation went well so far, I created a PR to show how the content can be included not only in Markdown, but also in AsciiDoc format.

Next upcoming step is to find a minimum viable product (MVP) for the working group to be live.

For today's SG meeting, I ask all participants to

  1. name content elements that they would like to see on the WG page as part of the MVP
  2. volunteer to gather or create the content that should be part of the MVP

Best regards,

On 26.02.2021 09:27, Alexander Schwartz wrote:

Dear working group community,

after the last steering group meeting I followed up on the task to prepare a AsciiDoc WG web site.

As discussed this will host information out the working group's mission, invitation to new members, pofiles of existing members etc. It will *not* host the language spec, implementations etc.

Friday last week Robert Kratky, Christopher Guindon (Web Development @ The Eclipse Foundation) and me met online:

  • Christopher recommended to go for a static site generator. Robert and me had hoped for that so we agreed.
  • Eclipse provides a "Solstice" theme for Hugo. This would make us "compliant", for example that the site includes the right links/governance stuff all Eclipse site need to have
  • Robert and me have worked with static site generators like Jekyll before, but not Hugo. According to the docs we would be able to publish AsciiDoc content with Hugo.

After the meeting Christopher set up an GitHub repo including Hugo and the Solstice theme. He invited Robert and me as contributors. You find the repo here with a preview here

Once there is content, and the site is approved by the WG, the site will move to

Next upcoming tasks:

  • Explore features of Hugo and validate if this is the static site generator we want to use (Robert and Alexander)
  • Based on the Solstice theme and the roadmap of the AsciiDoc working group, define a MVP reading the content for the site to go live (tbd)

Please ping me if you have questions or if you want to join this effort.

Best regards,

Alexander Schwartz (alexander.schwartz@xxxxxxx)
Alexander Schwartz (alexander.schwartz@xxxxxxx)

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