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Re: [ajdt-dev] org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs file and enviroment variables expansion

Hi Valentino,

It does look like AspectJ / AJDT could do more to suppot J2ME
environments. Please could you look at enhacement 92933:
That appears to address at least some of the issues you are
encountering. Feel free to append to that or raise new bugs for any
additional capabilities you have a need for. It might also be worth
searching or posting to the aspectj-users list, as I'm sure others
have used AspectJ in a J2ME environment.

The non-standard options field is really a stop-gap measure, so I'd
rather first pursue improving support for J2ME environments instead of
adding some sort of variable expansion to the non-standard options



On 31/10/05, Valentino Miazzo <valentino@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> At 11.30 31/10/2005, Matt Chapman wrote:
> >Hi Valentino,
> Hi Matt and thank you for your time,
> >Which non-standard option are you passing to the compiler?
> For now I pass -classpath c:\java\jdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib\rt.jar
> but I would like to pass -classpath %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar
> >To set the
> >classpath you should use the regular classpath mechansim provided by
> >Eclipse JDT, which does support variable expansion.
> >Ideally we wouldn't need this "non-standard option" field at all -
> >AJDT should provide all the appropriate controls for configuring the
> >compiler.
> I'm experimenting with J2ME + AspectJ and the only way to compile
> successfully an aj midlet I found is:
> 1- remove the JRE classpath from my project
> 2- add the J2ME specific jars to my project
> 3- add the not standard option : -classpath c:\java\jdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib\rt.jar
> 1 is needed because J2SE and J2ME have different API.
> 2 is needed because referenced in the midlet
> 3 is needed because without this the compiler doesn't start and reports:
>          can't find critical required type
>          can't find critical required type java.lang.Cloneable
> I would be great if you know a 'standard & expandable way' to tell to
> AspectJ compiler what is the classpath that it should use for itself
> and not for the compiling.
> Thank you very much,
> Valentino
> >Regards,
> >
> >Matt.
> >
> >On 25/10/05, Valentino Miazzo <valentino@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I need to pass to the AspectJ compiler a not standard option
> > > involving the JAVA_HOME enviromoment variable.
> > >
> > > I select the project, press the right button, properties, aspectj,
> > > non standard compiler options ,
> > > here I would like to write something like that: -classpath
> > > %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar .
> > >
> > > Anyway it doesn't works because (seems) AJDE doesn't expand the
> > > enviroment variables before passing the options to the aspecj compiler.
> > >
> > > I can use an absolute path (-classpath
> > > c:\java\jdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib\rt.jar) but in this way I force the other
> > > developers to place the JDK on the same position or to edit the
> > > org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs after each CVS update.
> > >
> > > Could anyone suggest a way to place some kind of expandable-variable
> > > in the org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs file ?
> > >
> > > Thank you very much,
> > > Valentino
> > >
> > > OS: windows
> > > Eclipse: 3.1
> > > AJDT: 1.3
> > >
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> Valentino Miazzo
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