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Re: [ajdt-dev] org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs file and enviroment variables expansion

Hi Valentino,
Which non-standard option are you passing to the compiler? To set the
classpath you should use the regular classpath mechansim provided by
Eclipse JDT, which does support variable expansion.
Ideally we wouldn't need this "non-standard option" field at all -
AJDT should provide all the appropriate controls for configuring the



On 25/10/05, Valentino Miazzo <valentino@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to pass to the AspectJ compiler a not standard option
> involving the JAVA_HOME enviromoment variable.
> I select the project, press the right button, properties, aspectj,
> non standard compiler options ,
> here I would like to write something like that: -classpath
> %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar .
> Anyway it doesn't works because (seems) AJDE doesn't expand the
> enviroment variables before passing the options to the aspecj compiler.
> I can use an absolute path (-classpath
> c:\java\jdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib\rt.jar) but in this way I force the other
> developers to place the JDK on the same position or to edit the
> org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs after each CVS update.
> Could anyone suggest a way to place some kind of expandable-variable
> in the org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs file ?
> Thank you very much,
> Valentino
> OS: windows
> Eclipse: 3.1
> AJDT: 1.3
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