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[ajdt-dev] org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs file and enviroment variables expansion

I need to pass to the AspectJ compiler a not standard option involving the JAVA_HOME enviromoment variable.

I select the project, press the right button, properties, aspectj, non standard compiler options , here I would like to write something like that: -classpath %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar .

Anyway it doesn't works because (seems) AJDE doesn't expand the enviroment variables before passing the options to the aspecj compiler.

I can use an absolute path (-classpath c:\java\jdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib\rt.jar) but in this way I force the other developers to place the JDK on the same position or to edit the org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs after each CVS update.

Could anyone suggest a way to place some kind of expandable-variable in the org.aspectj.ajdt.core.prefs file ?

Thank you very much,

OS: windows
Eclipse: 3.1
AJDT: 1.3

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