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Re: [ajdt-dev] how to set up development environment for ajdt and ajde?

Hi Lingli,

Unfortunately, AJDT's documentation has not been updated to include the new
weaver plugin - I've just raised a bug for this:

Currently the source for the aspectjrt.jar in the org.aspectj.runtime
plugin is contained in in the org.aspectj.ajde plugin. There is
a bug open to move it to the org.aspectj.runtime plugin
( (this was changed
sometime last week so I would suggest you synchronize and get the latest
copy of the code from CVS).

The three plugins org.aspectj.runtime, org.aspectj.weaver and
org.aspectj.ajde should be three distinct plugins (apart from the bug I
mentioned above). You shouldn't have to compile jrocket classes (as I don't
believe these should make it into the ajdt's runtime, weaver, and ajde).
Runtime is the base one, then weaver depends on runtime and ajde depends on
weaver. You dont need to check out projects from AspectJ to build ajdt.

Hope this helps,


             "Wes Isberg"                                                  
             om>                                                        To 
             Sent by:                  "AspectJ Development Tools          
             ajdt-dev-bounces@         developer discussions"              
             16/10/2005 03:46                                      Subject 
                                       Re: [ajdt-dev] how to set up        
                                       development environment for ajdt    
             Please respond to         and   ajde?                         
              Wes Isberg and                                               
             Development Tools                                             

To build the AspectJ source tree, see

See instructions in build/readme-build-and-test-aspectj.html

To build AJDT, the FAQ entry on point is

(not sure if it is up to date - you might need to search the ajdt-dev


> ------------Original Message------------
> From: lingli zhang <lingli_z@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sat, Oct-15-2005 12:53 PM
> Subject: [ajdt-dev] how to set up development environment for ajdt and
> Hi,
> I am a newcomer for both eclipse and ajdt. I want to
> set up a workspace that contain all projects related
> to   ajdt with compatible srcs so that I can make some
> changes to some of them and still be able to build
> them.
> Currently, I checked out
> org.aspject.ajde/runtime/weaver, org.eclipse.ajdt.*,
> org.eclipse.contribution.visualiser/xref* from
> AJDT_src   CVS to a clean eclipse workspace. However,
> I found that there is no src for the
> org.aspectj.runtime project (even no .zip/.jar for
> src). So I checked
> out the src directory from
> CVS/HEAD/org.aspectj/modules/runtime, but it seems not
> compatible with src of other projects in the
> workspace.
> Also, for org.aspectj.ajde, the src in is
> not compatible to src in org.aspectj.weaver. For
> org.aspectj.weaver project, I have to check out the
> jrockit package to make it compile.
> I guess my question is how to get all related,
> compatible src for these projects and be able to build
> and run them.
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Lingli
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