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Re: [ajdt-dev] how to set up development environment for ajdt and ajde?

To build the AspectJ source tree, see

See instructions in build/readme-build-and-test-aspectj.html

To build AJDT, the FAQ entry on point is

(not sure if it is up to date - you might need to search the ajdt-dev archive)


> ------------Original Message------------
> From: lingli zhang <lingli_z@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sat, Oct-15-2005 12:53 PM
> Subject: [ajdt-dev] how to set up development environment for ajdt and ajde?
> Hi,
> I am a newcomer for both eclipse and ajdt. I want to
> set up a workspace that contain all projects related
> to   ajdt with compatible srcs so that I can make some
> changes to some of them and still be able to build
> them.
> Currently, I checked out
> org.aspject.ajde/runtime/weaver, org.eclipse.ajdt.*,
> org.eclipse.contribution.visualiser/xref* from
> AJDT_src   CVS to a clean eclipse workspace. However,
> I found that there is no src for the
> org.aspectj.runtime project (even no .zip/.jar for
> src). So I checked
> out the src directory from
> CVS/HEAD/org.aspectj/modules/runtime, but it seems not
> compatible with src of other projects in the
> workspace.
> Also, for org.aspectj.ajde, the src in is
> not compatible to src in org.aspectj.weaver. For
> org.aspectj.weaver project, I have to check out the
> jrockit package to make it compile. 
> I guess my question is how to get all related,
> compatible src for these projects and be able to build
> and run them.
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Lingli
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