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Re: [ajdt-dev] AJDT development build for Eclipse 3.1M7

In addition to Alex's points, you're also currently missing the details of how AspectJ works with generics in pointcuts, inter-type declarations, and aspect declarations. Quite a bit of this is written up in HEAD but not yet published to the website. This support will be released as part of M3. We're about to go through a sizing and planning effort to net out every thing we have to do between now and the release of M3, once we've done that we can give a revised estimate for availability. In the M4 milestone, the biggest new item will be the reflection APIs (the core of this is in HEAD already, but not yet documented).  You'll certainly want to write about generics for the book - whether or not you want to cover the reflection APIs depends on your target audience, but I'd include the material if I was writing the book ;).

Eclipse 3.1 has set a target date of June 27th for their final release. We need at a minimum a full month after that to bed in the 3.1 final JDT compiler and run through testing, RCs etc. before AspectJ can get to final. So the earliest date for AspectJ 1.5.0 will be end July, I suspect we will actually ship sometime in August.

-- Adrian

"Oli B." <boehm@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ajdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

30/05/2005 21:57

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Matt Chapman/UK/IBM@IBMGB
AspectJ Development Tools developer discussions <ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ajdt-dev] AJDT development build for Eclipse 3.1M7

Matt Chapman wrote:
> "Oli B." <boehm@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 29/05/2005 12:52:33:
>  > I saw, that for Eclipse 3.0 the first RC1 of AJDT is available (why not
>  > an RC for Eclipse 3.1 ?). So I guess the features are now stabilized and
>  > there will be no new things in the final 1.2 release. Is this correct?
> Yes, that is correct. RC2 will come out soon with bug fixes only, and
> then it will go final.
> The RCs and final release will be for Eclipse 3.0 only. We can't have a
> RC or final release for Eclipse 3.1, until after 3.1 itself has gone
> final. Also under 3.1, AJDT exposes features in AspectJ 5, so a final
> AJDT for 3.1 can only come after both Eclipse 3.1 and AspectJ 5 go final.

ok, now I understand. I was a little bit confused about the RC1 because
it means that no new features are added for AspectJ 5 (which is good for
me because I want to finish my book).

>  > What's with AspectJ 5? Will be there also an RC available in the near
>  > future?
> There will be an AspectJ 5 M3 and M4 first. You can run Bugzilla queries
> to see the bugs and enhancements that are targetted against each of
> these milestone releases.

Ok, when interpret the enhancements correct there are no fundamental new
things planned (in comparison to M2). I saw that in the new development
build some features of chapter 9 ("An Annotation Based Development
Style") are now realized (e.g. @Aspect annotation), others are missing
(e.g. @Aspect(instantiationModel=AspectInstantiationModel.PERTHIS)). Any
ideas, when the M3 will be available?

Oliver Böhm

ajdt-dev mailing list

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