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Re: [ajdt-dev] AJDT development build for Eclipse 3.1M7

Oli, @AJ style does already (cvs head, not M2) support the
instantiation models (perthis etc). The syntax is just a bit different
from what is currently published on the dev. notebook :

    @Aspect("pertarget(execution(* ataspectj.PerClauseTest.perTarget()))")
    public class TestAspectPerTarget { ...... }

On the @AJ syntax, only declare parents is missing (not from an M2
standpoint but from a cvs head standpoint).
On the load time weaving chapter, some fine grained configuration is
missing (include/exclude), and concrete-aspect as well.


On 5/30/05, Oli B. <boehm@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Matt Chapman wrote:
> >
> > "Oli B." <boehm@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 29/05/2005 12:52:33:
> >  > I saw, that for Eclipse 3.0 the first RC1 of AJDT is available (why not
> >  > an RC for Eclipse 3.1 ?). So I guess the features are now stabilized and
> >  > there will be no new things in the final 1.2 release. Is this correct?
> >
> > Yes, that is correct. RC2 will come out soon with bug fixes only, and
> > then it will go final.
> >
> > The RCs and final release will be for Eclipse 3.0 only. We can't have a
> > RC or final release for Eclipse 3.1, until after 3.1 itself has gone
> > final. Also under 3.1, AJDT exposes features in AspectJ 5, so a final
> > AJDT for 3.1 can only come after both Eclipse 3.1 and AspectJ 5 go final.
> ok, now I understand. I was a little bit confused about the RC1 because
> it means that no new features are added for AspectJ 5 (which is good for
> me because I want to finish my book).
> >
> >  > What's with AspectJ 5? Will be there also an RC available in the near
> >  > future?
> >
> > There will be an AspectJ 5 M3 and M4 first. You can run Bugzilla queries
> > to see the bugs and enhancements that are targetted against each of
> > these milestone releases.
> Ok, when interpret the enhancements correct there are no fundamental new
> things planned (in comparison to M2). I saw that in the new development
> build some features of chapter 9 ("An Annotation Based Development
> Style") are now realized (e.g. @Aspect annotation), others are missing
> (e.g. @Aspect(instantiationModel=AspectInstantiationModel.PERTHIS)). Any
> ideas, when the M3 will be available?
> regards
> Oliver
> --
> Oliver Böhm
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