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Re: [ajdt-dev] building AspectJ + AJDT

that all sounds good.  java5 has contents in the branch, but may
yet get deleted if we are sure aspectj5rt can contain everything
we need.  Just close aspectj-attic, it contains old stuff we don't
use.  The distribution under aj-build is what you want, you will
need to point the org.aspectj.ajde/build.xml at it for
rebuilding ajde.jar (when you start building AJDT).  You can
configure build.xml by creating an file
in the org.aspectj.ajde plugin.

org.aspectj.lib should be built by AJDT so you should have that
installed in your 3.1m5 - there shouldn't be a need to alter the
aspectjrt_lib variable for that project.


Rafal Krzewski <Rafal.krzewski@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ajdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

14/03/2005 10:14

Please respond to

Re: [ajdt-dev] building AspectJ + AJDT

Rafal Krzewski wrote:
> Matt Chapman wrote:
>> We will update the above instructions as soon as possible. In the
>> meantime, please try missing out the performance plugin.
>> Please post any other problems you get, it should be quick for us to
>> point out the solution.
> I'll try that on Monday and let you know. Thanks in advance!

OK, I tried setting up a new workspace for AspectJ. I checked out all
projects under /home/technology/org.aspectj/modules, and tried setting
them up to build under eclipse (3.1M5a running on JDK 1.5.0_01, no AJDT
installed ATP).

Things I noticed:

* java5 project contains no source files (moved to aspectj5rt if I guess
corectly). There's no need to check it out into workspace. It probably
could be deleted physically from the repo, unless revision information
in it is valuable.

* aspectj-attic project has seriously incomplete classpath. I removed if
from my workspace for now.

* I needed to set the following classpath variables:

JRE15_LIB = <JAVA5_HOME>/jre/lib/rt.jar (needed by aspectj5rt)
ASPECTJRT_LIB = <WORKSPACE>/lib/aspectj/lib/aspectjrt.lib (needed by

I am not sure if I used the correct value for the second one.

As for building: I've clicked 'Run as Ant build' on /build/build.xml and
after few minutes of happy grinding it produced two directories in my
workspace aj-build-results (blank) and aj-build with the expected
contents (compiled distribution, docs and so forth). Is this the
expected location (outside projects in the workspace) or should I set
some configuration variables?

I'll try checking out / building AJDT tomorrow morning.

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