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Re: [ajdt-dev] building AspectJ + AJDT

Generally, for building the AspectJ project, there's a FAQ entry 
and module readme HTML's, esp. in the build module.  The FAQ entry 
is out of date in not mentioning the new aspectjrt and org.aspectj.lib
modules/projects, but should otherwise be correct, e.g., in 
excluding aspectj-attic from the list of modules to download.

More specific answers:


This is an AspectJ project, so if you have AJDT, the variable should
be set up already.

> Is {build/../aj-build} the 
> expected location (outside projects in the workspace)



> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Rafal Krzewski <Rafal.Krzewski@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Mon, Mar-14-2005 2:16 AM
> Subject: Re: [ajdt-dev] building AspectJ + AJDT
> Rafal Krzewski wrote:
> > Matt Chapman wrote:
> > 
> >> We will update the above instructions as soon as possible. In the 
> >> meantime, please try missing out the performance plugin.
> >> Please post any other problems you get, it should be quick for us to 
> >> point out the solution.
> > 
> > 
> > I'll try that on Monday and let you know. Thanks in advance!
> OK, I tried setting up a new workspace for AspectJ. I checked out all 
> projects under /home/technology/org.aspectj/modules, and tried setting 
> them up to build under eclipse (3.1M5a running on JDK 1.5.0_01, no AJDT 
> installed ATP).
> Things I noticed:
> * java5 project contains no source files (moved to aspectj5rt if I 
> guess 
> corectly). There's no need to check it out into workspace. It probably 
> could be deleted physically from the repo, unless revision information 
> in it is valuable.
> * aspectj-attic project has seriously incomplete classpath. I removed 
> if 
> from my workspace for now.
> * I needed to set the following classpath variables:
> JRE15_LIB = <JAVA5_HOME>/jre/lib/rt.jar (needed by aspectj5rt)
> ASPECTJRT_LIB = <WORKSPACE>/lib/aspectj/lib/aspectjrt.lib (needed by 
> org.apspectj.lib)
> I am not sure if I used the correct value for the second one.
> As for building: I've clicked 'Run as Ant build' on /build/build.xml 
> and 
> after few minutes of happy grinding it produced two directories in my 
> workspace aj-build-results (blank) and aj-build with the expected 
> contents (compiled distribution, docs and so forth). Is this the 
> expected location (outside projects in the workspace) or should I set 
> some configuration variables?
> I'll try checking out / building AJDT tomorrow morning.
> Rafal
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